We had our final meeting to finish planning the Fall Farm Fair at Diane's farm this coming Saturday. Everything is shaping up great. We're planning to get out some Christmas decorations for the farm store - it should encourage people to shop for Christmas gifts in the farm store.
See you at the farm fair - I'll post pictures after the event!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Free weekend!
This weekend was my first weekend this fall that I had no shows and I was planning to work on getting the llama barn ready for fall. I spent some time a couple weeks ago working on the cobwebs and cleaning. Just as I was about to head to the barn yesterday. .. the phone rang. . .it was mom . .. no suprise . . but what she had to tell me was a surprise. ..she woke to find the tree trimmers, she had hired, in the back yard working - w/o notice. We were expecting them on Wednesday . . needless to say, this changed everyone's plans for the weekend.
We spent most of yesterday working at mom's - but I did come home mid afternoon to get started on "barn stuff" . . .and Jeff is back at Mom's today . . .to cut firewood and I am headed out to the barn to take down all the light fixtures (12 of them) so I can run the globes through the dishwasher and replace the burnt out lights - about 50% are out . .. so the llamas are gonna need sunglasses when I replace them all.
Off to the barn for me . ... some cleaning and hauling. . .with a mid-day break . . .to head over to Mom's to sample the chili she put on the the tree trimmers.
Make sure to check our Fall Farm Fair link on the left ..that is our next big adventure and it is right around the corner.
Happy Fall!
We spent most of yesterday working at mom's - but I did come home mid afternoon to get started on "barn stuff" . . .and Jeff is back at Mom's today . . .to cut firewood and I am headed out to the barn to take down all the light fixtures (12 of them) so I can run the globes through the dishwasher and replace the burnt out lights - about 50% are out . .. so the llamas are gonna need sunglasses when I replace them all.
Off to the barn for me . ... some cleaning and hauling. . .with a mid-day break . . .to head over to Mom's to sample the chili she put on the the tree trimmers.
Make sure to check our Fall Farm Fair link on the left ..that is our next big adventure and it is right around the corner.
Happy Fall!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Fall Farm Fair
See page link on left for Fall Farm Fair details. Are we CRAZY having an outside event in November. . .. .No, just optimistic that the weather will be wonderful! The farm store will be heated and we'll adjust the other activities as needed if the weather is not perfect. . . .but we ordered perfect weather . .. so it should all work out fine.
Where does it go?????
Time! Where does it go??? It just disappears so quickly I wonder how I used it. My last post was August 9 . .. well certainly, many things have happened around the farm since then. .. . like. .. the turkeys are no longer in the backyard. . .they are in the freezer! That should be quite interesting. . .we're going to try one of the turkey's at a family gathering Nov. 6
The ducks. .. they have also moved on . .. .right on over to LaOtto Indiana. . . .they seem to have adjusted well and are living with Matt and Jamie.
We have attended two HUGE fiber shows since my last post. Diane traveled to Yellow Springs with me in September. It was a great show as always - sales were down a bit - but still worth the trip and we had a great time going to dinner with the Fiber and Firearms Society girls!
This past weekend, I attended the Fiber Expo show in Ann Arbor - again a great show - but sales were down - still worthwhile - but I am wondering if this is a trend. We sold mostly finished items at a fiber show . . not so many rovings. .. . I find that odd.
We are planning a Fall Farm Fair at Diane and Terry Perkin's Farm on Nov. 13 - I will post details in a separate post.
Well, looks like I am back on track posting and will try to not let time slip away and keep on posting. Look for a new "On the Needles" section later this fall - so you can keep up with what I am knitting.
The ducks. .. they have also moved on . .. .right on over to LaOtto Indiana. . . .they seem to have adjusted well and are living with Matt and Jamie.
We have attended two HUGE fiber shows since my last post. Diane traveled to Yellow Springs with me in September. It was a great show as always - sales were down a bit - but still worth the trip and we had a great time going to dinner with the Fiber and Firearms Society girls!
This past weekend, I attended the Fiber Expo show in Ann Arbor - again a great show - but sales were down - still worthwhile - but I am wondering if this is a trend. We sold mostly finished items at a fiber show . . not so many rovings. .. . I find that odd.
We are planning a Fall Farm Fair at Diane and Terry Perkin's Farm on Nov. 13 - I will post details in a separate post.
Well, looks like I am back on track posting and will try to not let time slip away and keep on posting. Look for a new "On the Needles" section later this fall - so you can keep up with what I am knitting.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Farm Harvest
One day harvest |
So far, we have frozen green beans, made Salsa, Pasta sauce and Chili base. We also got a bushel of corn while we were in MI and froze that. So far, it looks like our winter table will be filled with the taste of Summer! We've also supplied many neighbors and friends with lots of produce.
Tomorrow is the Black Swamp Spinner's Guild Natural Dye Day - we'll be outside in the heat - but it should prove to be fun and educational. Natural fiber dyeing is definately much more precise than the way that I dye yarn. . .you know, when I dye yarn . . yup - got hot water, pour in some dye, add a glug of vinegar and put in some yarn . . .. and wait. Lots more planning goes into Natural dyeing - more on my next post.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sad, Sad Day on the farm
The heat the last couple of weeks have been extremely challenging. The llamas that have not been shorn are holding up really well and seek the fans and hosing off to keep cool. The sheep seemed to be doing fine, but the other night Talker seemed to be not quite right. With quick research I found that he was bloated which can be induced by heat. Unfortunately, we lost Talker this morning. Talker was one of our original wethers and he was very sociable and met us at the gate at feeding time to "test" the hay each night. He was a very sweet little boy and we will miss him. The other sheep are grieving and paying their final respects to him this afternoon under the shade trees in the pasture. Tonight, Talker will join the "Winding Creek" cemetery and be buried next to Bethany and her unborn lambs, the ewe we lost earlier in the year. Losing animals does not get any easier as time goes by and at times like this I wonder why we have them. But, within a few days someone out in the pasture will make my day with some funny antic or some gentle gesture and I will be reminded why we love them so much and keep them.
We will miss your friendly, kind nature.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Farmland Vacation
Well, another July 4th holiday has come and gone. We love to take advantage of the 4th of July as our scheduled holiday. We spent 4 days at the lake visiting Jeff's mom and my mom tagged along to have a great time. Jeff cooked way too much food on the grill as usual, but everyone had fun and the fireworks were great.
Now, back to "vacation" for me. We are back home, Jeff is back to work and I have a few days off from the bank to try to accomplish way too many things. One item on my list is to finish shearing the girls. It has been extremely hot and more fans are not enough. This morning, I decided to try to hand shear Purple - well as you can see. .. it started out well. . .but Purple decided she did not want to participate. So, she's looking just a mite funny now!
Although I only got a little bit of wool off of her, hopefully it will help. Looks like Purple would prefer a professional.
On the other hand. .. Llizzie thought it was great fun to be hand sheared. We started with her neck, which was matted and had never been shorn. I did leave her a little llama mohawk since the fiber was nice and silky. But for the barrel cut, she just stood there . .no halter, no restraints. .just stood while I hacked away with the scissors, shook out the second cuts and walked over and put her wool in a bucket. She thinks her new hair cut is just grand. Such a good girl.
A few other things I have planned for my "vacation" are sorting and cleaning fleeces, sorting and packaging yarn, inputting items on our etsy store, http://www.windingcreekalpacas.etsy.com/ and organizing all my knitting patterns. Some other things I hope to find time for are finishing my items for the Ohio State Llama show, cleaning the barn and a little antique browsing.
I am headed to the Columbus area to deliver a loom to my friend Vicky - who got the loom as a birthday gift. .. so tomorrow will be spent on the road and teaching weaving . . .. should be a fun day.
More vacation updates later, for now I am headed off to do something, who knows what :)
Now, back to "vacation" for me. We are back home, Jeff is back to work and I have a few days off from the bank to try to accomplish way too many things. One item on my list is to finish shearing the girls. It has been extremely hot and more fans are not enough. This morning, I decided to try to hand shear Purple - well as you can see. .. it started out well. . .but Purple decided she did not want to participate. So, she's looking just a mite funny now!
Although I only got a little bit of wool off of her, hopefully it will help. Looks like Purple would prefer a professional.
On the other hand. .. Llizzie thought it was great fun to be hand sheared. We started with her neck, which was matted and had never been shorn. I did leave her a little llama mohawk since the fiber was nice and silky. But for the barrel cut, she just stood there . .no halter, no restraints. .just stood while I hacked away with the scissors, shook out the second cuts and walked over and put her wool in a bucket. She thinks her new hair cut is just grand. Such a good girl.
A few other things I have planned for my "vacation" are sorting and cleaning fleeces, sorting and packaging yarn, inputting items on our etsy store, http://www.windingcreekalpacas.etsy.com/ and organizing all my knitting patterns. Some other things I hope to find time for are finishing my items for the Ohio State Llama show, cleaning the barn and a little antique browsing.
I am headed to the Columbus area to deliver a loom to my friend Vicky - who got the loom as a birthday gift. .. so tomorrow will be spent on the road and teaching weaving . . .. should be a fun day.
More vacation updates later, for now I am headed off to do something, who knows what :)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Great Sheep Adventure….x2
My friend Debbie and I took another trip down to Southern Ohio to pick up a new sheep and her munchkin to add to the family. Shadow (affectionately known as Trouble) really needed a friend and we decided to add to our family with a sheep and ram lamb that was close in age to Trouble. However, we’re not sure if we should have called the new lamb Double to indicate what we were getting ourselves into.
The trip, for the most part went without a hitch. It was an overcast and rainy trip but we made it there and back with no problems. The animals at the farm were out enjoying the day, which is obvious in the pictures below. The most interesting topic of the day was getting the new sheep out of the truck. We had devised all sorts of scenarios on the way home, as momma sheep wasn’t real thrilled with getting into the truck. Once home, we backed the truck partially into the pasture, haltered the sheep, bear hugged the baby and herded them into the pasture…..okay, there was a few interesting moments in between the truck and the pasture….but the end of the story is they got into the pasture…: )
Looking up towards the house from the road. She has beautiful pastures. When we were here a few months back, everything was blanketed in snow and you could see the paths of the animals.
One of the many farm animals.
The chickens are adorable. Beautiful black and white colored as well as the rainbow assortment seen at farms.
She has the most beautiful Great Pyrenees dogs.
The house used to be an Inn for travelers.
Getting ready to head home.
The new additions.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Farm Population Increase
The internet group - Free Cycle - really is a great place to find things and give things away. I received an email from a friend that someone had some Angora rabbits to give away. . .. .so . .. .. being a fiber-a-holic - I responded to the email. .. and made plans to meet the bunnies that were looking for a new home.
I went with the intention of only bringing home two bunnies. .. so the fact that I brought home "just" three is quite an accomplishment for me! The little boy, who is the extra, is just so cute . .. I could not leave him behind. The bunnies come from a very good home and I am sure they were perfectly happy - but that farm needed a herd reduction. . .so our herd increased. ... is that what you call a bunch of bunnies??? I don't know. .. geese are a flock, sheep are a flock, llamas and alpacas travel as a herd. . .what is a group of bunnies. .. . Happy at our house - for sure. .. not positive of what they would be called. Rambling now, so I am just tired. .. here's the fun part - the pictures of Elizabeth (gray), Nigel (bottom) and Llillie (right).
Monday, May 10, 2010
Fiber Dyeing Extravaganza
The sun is shining, it's a GREAT day and we are planning a Fiber Dyeing Extravaganza. Please click on the link to the left for detailed information. I have also included a link to a sign up form on that page and below.
June 12, 2010 FDE Flyer
We will spend the day dyeing fiber. 4 oz of yarn is provided for you to split between the three dyeing techniques. If you would rather have 4 oz for each technique, wool yarn is avalable at a low cost or Alpaca yarn is available for a bit more. You are also welcome to bring a couple 4 oz lots of yarn to use.
The Fiber Dyeing Extravaganza days are a fun day. You get to spend time with your friends, meet new friends and dye yarn. The Fiber Dyeing Extravaganza workshop is also available as a traveling workshop. I will bring all the equipment and supplies to your farm and put on a workshop for you. The only thing you supply is participants, water and a stove to bake some yarn. It's quite simple, easy to promote and a great way to have a fun, memorable event at your farm.
Okay, back to the Extravaganza we are planning for June 12 here in Defiance at our farm. As usual, three techniques will be provided for the fee. We also have a couple of other techniques available that include materials - Sun Dyeing and One Pot dyeing - just a $5 fee for each. We will also have a hobo stew going on a campfire. You can participate in the hobo stew or bring your own lunch.
Water and shade are provided. Wear comfy clothes, bring your wheel or your latest projects as there is usually a bit of down time as we wait for the dye to set. Our store will also be available during the day.
Join the Fun, sign up today!
June 12, 2010 FDE Flyer
We will spend the day dyeing fiber. 4 oz of yarn is provided for you to split between the three dyeing techniques. If you would rather have 4 oz for each technique, wool yarn is avalable at a low cost or Alpaca yarn is available for a bit more. You are also welcome to bring a couple 4 oz lots of yarn to use.
The Fiber Dyeing Extravaganza days are a fun day. You get to spend time with your friends, meet new friends and dye yarn. The Fiber Dyeing Extravaganza workshop is also available as a traveling workshop. I will bring all the equipment and supplies to your farm and put on a workshop for you. The only thing you supply is participants, water and a stove to bake some yarn. It's quite simple, easy to promote and a great way to have a fun, memorable event at your farm.
Okay, back to the Extravaganza we are planning for June 12 here in Defiance at our farm. As usual, three techniques will be provided for the fee. We also have a couple of other techniques available that include materials - Sun Dyeing and One Pot dyeing - just a $5 fee for each. We will also have a hobo stew going on a campfire. You can participate in the hobo stew or bring your own lunch.
Water and shade are provided. Wear comfy clothes, bring your wheel or your latest projects as there is usually a bit of down time as we wait for the dye to set. Our store will also be available during the day.
Join the Fun, sign up today!
Salomon Farm Fiber Show
We've just completed our third fiber show for the season! Salomon Farm Park Fiber Show in Fort Wayne, IN was really fun, as long as you didn't mind rain and wind. Seems like this show is always accompanied by icky weather. It did not stop the Friday field trips for the local school kids and Saturday, although cold and windy, turned out to be a great day.
Mom accompanied me to the show on Saturday and expanded her fiber knowledge. We had a vendor next to us spinning on her drop spindle all day - quite mesmerizing! Hillary from Hippie Penquin Fibers did a great job. Hey - we even bought a learn to spin kit from her :) Cute little spindle and some fiber.
Our next show will be the Great Lakes Fiber show in Wooster, OH over Memorial Day weekend. A great show with tons of vendors if you are looking for a fun show.
Mom accompanied me to the show on Saturday and expanded her fiber knowledge. We had a vendor next to us spinning on her drop spindle all day - quite mesmerizing! Hillary from Hippie Penquin Fibers did a great job. Hey - we even bought a learn to spin kit from her :) Cute little spindle and some fiber.
Our next show will be the Great Lakes Fiber show in Wooster, OH over Memorial Day weekend. A great show with tons of vendors if you are looking for a fun show.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Mixed news from the Farm
Sad news from the farm is that our second pregnant sheep Bethany and her children did not make it through the pregnancy despite the much appreciated help from Dr. French, friends and neighbors all looking after her. And while we thought perhaps about waiting to add to the farm, we have decided to help keep Shadow, otherwise known as Trouble, out of trouble and add a momma sheep and her new ram, which happens to be the same age as Trouble. Hopefully this will allow his mother some much needed “me” time while the kids are playing.
The new additions should be making their way to the farm soon and I’ll be sure to post pictures from the Adventure.
Other news includes the addition of some smaller animals – Turkeys and ducks. No, not the wild kind. We decided to add to our eclectic band of animals with some two footed creatures to help “mow” our grass and eat our bugs. They have just made their grand appearance on the lawn and we expect they will be as entertaining as the other animals.
Finally, show season is upon us. I will be making the rounds to the local and not-so-local craft shows throughout Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. I’ll keep you updated on my show schedule with a quick plug for this weekend’s show (May 7-8) at Salomon Farms in Fort Wayne, Ind.
The new additions should be making their way to the farm soon and I’ll be sure to post pictures from the Adventure.
Other news includes the addition of some smaller animals – Turkeys and ducks. No, not the wild kind. We decided to add to our eclectic band of animals with some two footed creatures to help “mow” our grass and eat our bugs. They have just made their grand appearance on the lawn and we expect they will be as entertaining as the other animals.
Finally, show season is upon us. I will be making the rounds to the local and not-so-local craft shows throughout Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. I’ll keep you updated on my show schedule with a quick plug for this weekend’s show (May 7-8) at Salomon Farms in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Spring Lambs
Well, I am traveling North driving from Florida to Ohio and my husband, Jeff, is at home with a very sick ewe. Elizabeth dropped that beautiful black lamb, fondly referred to as "trouble" with no problem. However, Bethany, is not quite so lucky. She must have twins in the oven and apparently they are too much for her body. She has developed Toxemia and is quite ill. The vet was out on Wed the 21st and gave her an injection to induce labor. We have been force feeding the poor girl and she has perked up a bit, but she is still too quiet and weak. We are doing everything we can to save her and her lambs. I am anxious to get north and be home with Bethany and do what I can to help.
Jeff is even creating a "grass cocktail" three times a day and feeding it to Bethany along with her other meds. This grass cocktail involves blending grass and water in the blender, straining out the grass and adding yogurt and other nutrients and they using a syringe to feed it to Bethany.
Bethany is a great ewe and very strong willed and Shetlands are a hardy breed, so if you are reading this please say a little prayer for Bethany and her ewes and stayed tuned to see pictures. . yes, I am optimistic that I will have happy pictures to post.
Check back for any update :)
Jeff is even creating a "grass cocktail" three times a day and feeding it to Bethany along with her other meds. This grass cocktail involves blending grass and water in the blender, straining out the grass and adding yogurt and other nutrients and they using a syringe to feed it to Bethany.
Bethany is a great ewe and very strong willed and Shetlands are a hardy breed, so if you are reading this please say a little prayer for Bethany and her ewes and stayed tuned to see pictures. . yes, I am optimistic that I will have happy pictures to post.
Check back for any update :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Awesome Spring Day!
When you take time to enjoy the little things around you, it is quite suprising what you see! I will attach some great pictures from today, but let's see why I think it's an AWESOME Spring Day.
I started the day on the computer at about 6am, couldn't sleep so got up to catch up. I spent about an hour downloading really cool, FREE knitting patterns from Knitting Daily. Then I rinsed some yarn that I dyed last night - black and pink. Natural black sheep, llama or alpaca is hard to come by so I decided to just dye some wool black. It is not as dark as natural, but it will work for the project I have in mind.
After doing chores, I did a wee bit of cleaning . .. everyone knows how well I like to clean :) then I started felting some items. Most of the items are mine, for the vendor booth, but a few of the purses are Lorie's.
I started the day on the computer at about 6am, couldn't sleep so got up to catch up. I spent about an hour downloading really cool, FREE knitting patterns from Knitting Daily. Then I rinsed some yarn that I dyed last night - black and pink. Natural black sheep, llama or alpaca is hard to come by so I decided to just dye some wool black. It is not as dark as natural, but it will work for the project I have in mind.
After doing chores, I did a wee bit of cleaning . .. everyone knows how well I like to clean :) then I started felting some items. Most of the items are mine, for the vendor booth, but a few of the purses are Lorie's.
The Sun is out and bright, but the air temperature is not too hot, so it is perfect. I really don't like it when it gets too hot and sticky. So, I wandered around the back yard and took some random pictures, enjoy.
The wethers:
Elizabeth and Mr. Ram Lamb:
The Chickens enjoying the back yard and one in the barn hidden behind a tub in a favorite egg laying spot:
Since I can't leave anyone out. .. here are the girls relaxing and Buster Brown Sun Bathing
Okay, ONE more . .. how could I leave out Hoover???? Sleeping in the sun on this wonderfully, sunny day!
I hope you are able to enjoy the spring days like we are! Off to unload dirt. . .Jeff's just arrived home with a load of dirt for the garden :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
What a wonderful suprize! I got to leave work on time - actually at 5:00 as it should be and I was really happy about that. It really is the little things! Anyway, when I got home, I glanced out in the back yard and one of the ewes was facing the back of the pasture kind of bobbing her head up and down like she was eating grass. . . why does this seem odd, you might ask . .. well, there is no grass in their pasture. So, I changed and headed out to the barn and sure enough. . Elizabeth had given birth to a beautiful black ram lamb. I don't know if he'll stay the pretty black that he is now, but he sure is cute. He's been up and nursing and seems to be doing well. I'll weigh him tomorrow, turns out the sling to the scale was dirty from being in the barn and I did not want to put his clean belly in the dirty sling. .. so weight will have to wait until tomorrow. I did pick him up and he is a solid little lamb.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Relaxing Evening
My "real" job has had me really, really busy. Working long days. . the kind of days when I wonder. .. .did I feed the llamas? Where did I park my truck. . .. .and what day is it????? So, as a treat, I came home "on time" . . well for me lately. . .5:30 was as close to on time as I could get. .. . so when I got home it looked so peaceful out in the back yard. .. the llamas and alpacas were either sitting enjoying the warm spring day or wandering around. The same for the sheep. The chickens were content to pick around the yard and the cats were lounging on the porch. . .. .so, I poured myself a glass of 101 Lakes Red, got my new book that Debbie gave me for my birthday, found a chair and headed out to the yard. As I sat reading my book, sipping wine. .. the chickens came over to visit, the sheep came to the front of their pasture and the alpacas kept looking at me like . . is she just going to sit there????
Eventually, Jeff came down to relax also. The chickens really are quite relaxing to watch. They are very busy little critters. .. they even come when I call them. It gave me a chance to observe all the chickens and evaluate their overall health . . .. .they seem quite content.
So, it was a nice evening and now I have 2 days off (I remember when I always had 2 day weekends), you sure take them for granted until you lose them.
So, over the next couple of days. .. .we'll plant some spring veggies, put away some Christmas decorations, dye some wool and maybe pick up some ducks and turkeys to add to the clan.. .. Sounds like a lot to do . .but I am looking forward to some fun "work"!
BTW - finished the book already . .. early this morning sometime . . .it was a good one. ..Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich.
Eventually, Jeff came down to relax also. The chickens really are quite relaxing to watch. They are very busy little critters. .. they even come when I call them. It gave me a chance to observe all the chickens and evaluate their overall health . . .. .they seem quite content.
So, it was a nice evening and now I have 2 days off (I remember when I always had 2 day weekends), you sure take them for granted until you lose them.
So, over the next couple of days. .. .we'll plant some spring veggies, put away some Christmas decorations, dye some wool and maybe pick up some ducks and turkeys to add to the clan.. .. Sounds like a lot to do . .but I am looking forward to some fun "work"!
BTW - finished the book already . .. early this morning sometime . . .it was a good one. ..Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Spring is here!
Could I be lucky enough that the spring mud has been here and gone???? Probably not. There are, however, many other happy spring reminders around the farm. The crocus has bloomed, the daffodils are sprouting, kittens are popping out and the sheep are about ready to lamb. I was just down at the barn and my suspicions that Elizabeth will lamb first, I believe to be true. Now, being used to llamas having crias. .. .llamas have very small "milkers" . . .while I was doing chores I happen to notice a little pink under Elizabeth. . .. nothing little about it .. . she's got a bag full of milk and a huge udder. .. . . .Bethany is a bit behind on her development so I think Elizabeth with lamb in the next few days followed about a week later by Bethany. We will make their pen smaller today so they are easier to manage and keep tabs on. Stay tuned for pictures.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Gotta Love those Critters!
Last evening really reminded me of why we have all these crazy critters! After a long winter of hiking through snow to get to the barn and going out in all kinds of weather because they need care, it was wonderful to have a great evening with everyone.
To begin with, I was able to come home from work at a regular time - that started my evening off right. So, I headed out to put a couple of dye pots on in the fiber shed. While I was waiting for them to heat up I began my evening by herding some chicken escapees back into the chicken yard. They escaped their fencing and needed to be herded out of the barn rafters and the llama pasture. Some torn up bread does wonders! As they walk through the gate back into their pasture, they kind of look at you like . . . that was really mean to "shut" us out of the pasture.
Then I headed into the girls stall to clean. The girls were very polite and stood in my way and made me walk around them to clean. They sort of treat you like a maid! Then the cook, because they really just wanted me to hurry so I could get them dinner.
Then the dye pots were ready, so I put in some dye and some wool and turned down the heat on the pots and headed out to the boys stall. The boys stall is much easier clean since there are only four of them. The big guy - Montgomery- laid out in his pasture and supervised me. Gave me a look everytime I came out of the barn as if to say . .. about time you showed up to clean! He was very relaxed and comfy as I entertained him and that gives a good feel to everyone outside - just relaxed and happy!
Then it was time to feed everyone. Jeff and Hoover were walking in the yard and the sheep get all revved up when the dog is out. The wethers were doing their "popcorn" dance. Running, jumping and hopping all around their pasture and up and down their hill. It really is quite a stress reliever to watch those silly sheep play. I can only imagine how entertaining the lambs will be when they arrive next month!
The ewes were actually contemplating letting me pet them. Bethany got quite close and was studying my every move without running the other way, so I think we are making progress.
The dye pots - yes I did remember to turn off the heat. . and they are still sitting in the fiber shed. I will pour off the water tonight and send the wool for a spin in the washer and then lay it out to dry!
All in all, it was a great relaxing evening and I accomplished a lot.
To begin with, I was able to come home from work at a regular time - that started my evening off right. So, I headed out to put a couple of dye pots on in the fiber shed. While I was waiting for them to heat up I began my evening by herding some chicken escapees back into the chicken yard. They escaped their fencing and needed to be herded out of the barn rafters and the llama pasture. Some torn up bread does wonders! As they walk through the gate back into their pasture, they kind of look at you like . . . that was really mean to "shut" us out of the pasture.
Then I headed into the girls stall to clean. The girls were very polite and stood in my way and made me walk around them to clean. They sort of treat you like a maid! Then the cook, because they really just wanted me to hurry so I could get them dinner.
Then the dye pots were ready, so I put in some dye and some wool and turned down the heat on the pots and headed out to the boys stall. The boys stall is much easier clean since there are only four of them. The big guy - Montgomery- laid out in his pasture and supervised me. Gave me a look everytime I came out of the barn as if to say . .. about time you showed up to clean! He was very relaxed and comfy as I entertained him and that gives a good feel to everyone outside - just relaxed and happy!
Then it was time to feed everyone. Jeff and Hoover were walking in the yard and the sheep get all revved up when the dog is out. The wethers were doing their "popcorn" dance. Running, jumping and hopping all around their pasture and up and down their hill. It really is quite a stress reliever to watch those silly sheep play. I can only imagine how entertaining the lambs will be when they arrive next month!
The ewes were actually contemplating letting me pet them. Bethany got quite close and was studying my every move without running the other way, so I think we are making progress.
The dye pots - yes I did remember to turn off the heat. . and they are still sitting in the fiber shed. I will pour off the water tonight and send the wool for a spin in the washer and then lay it out to dry!
All in all, it was a great relaxing evening and I accomplished a lot.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Knitting One Below
So, I need another knitting project . .. yea right! That is one joy of knitting for our vendor booth - I can pretty much knit whatever I have a whim to knit. At the Fiber Retreat, Sheila Miller shared a scarf that she had knit using the Knit One Below Method. Basically, it is a way to knit with two colors but not have to carry the second yarn behind your work and worry about tension, etc. The title of the book is "Knit One Below" and is written by Elise Duvekot. It is a wonderful book! Trust me, I don't usually buy knitting books unless they are of real value to me - this one fits the bill! It is wonderful. Here are a couple of pictures of my first scarf. I am using some Knit Picks yarn and it is 100% wool. I usually experiment with commercial yarn before I use my handspun yarn.
You can see the distinct color stripes and there is no yarn carried across the back.
The dyeing that I was going to do last weekend, if you happen to read that post, did not get done. I managed to cram so much in Saturday that it was 5pm before I was going to start and that is too late. Maybe okay for a summer evening, but not winter. So I am going to try to get to some of that dyeing this weekend. It is quite windy and rainy today, so I think I will take the camp stove down to the "old bunny barn" and do the dyeing inside. The old bunny barn is in the process of being converted to a fiber dyeing shed so I can dye yarn, fleece and rovings year round.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Spring is Coming!
What a beautiful "winter day". Technically, it is still winter - but the sun is shinning, no coats are needed and the chickens are out running around!
We went over and picked up the free woodburner that I found on the yahoo group, free cycle. It is the perfect size for the fiber dyeing shed and is flat on top and will accomodate a tea kettle. It needs a little work - some cleaning and painting - but it was FREE! It will be adorable in the dyeing shed.
I've poured 6 dozen chocolate llamas for a birthday party favor. The llamas are pink, white and brown, which apparently is the theme of the party. They are cute and once they are set, I will package them and then ship them to a friend.
Now, I am headed outside to dye some yarn and fleeces. It is a perfect day for fiber dyeing - no wind, sunny and fairly warm. I will post pictures after I am done.
We went over and picked up the free woodburner that I found on the yahoo group, free cycle. It is the perfect size for the fiber dyeing shed and is flat on top and will accomodate a tea kettle. It needs a little work - some cleaning and painting - but it was FREE! It will be adorable in the dyeing shed.
I've poured 6 dozen chocolate llamas for a birthday party favor. The llamas are pink, white and brown, which apparently is the theme of the party. They are cute and once they are set, I will package them and then ship them to a friend.
Now, I am headed outside to dye some yarn and fleeces. It is a perfect day for fiber dyeing - no wind, sunny and fairly warm. I will post pictures after I am done.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Sheep Get BETTER Hay
Well, this is what Montgomery thinks anyway! Montgomery is our big, spoiled gelding llama. I feed everyone the same hay in the same order each night. The alpacas and Montgomery seem to think the sheep get better hay, as they always have to taste it. Anyway, the other night, I had just given the boys their hay and I turned around and was headed for the ewes pen. When I stopped to open the gate. .. good thing I don't scare too easy. .. . .Montgomery had followed me and his head was above my shoulder, about 2" from my face! He felt the need to taste the sheep hay just one more time and with as quietly as llamas walk, I never heard him! What a suprise to both of us. Of course, he looks at me as if to say "What, I'm just testing their hay". It put a smile on my face and I laugh when I think of it. What a goof ball he is!
The sheep have decided to spend most of their time up on their hill. As the ground softens up and gets squishy . . .that dreaded spring MUD . .. .. they lay on their hill as if they will not get muddy up there. They have so much wool that they look like puffy clouds that have landed.
Bruiser is sitting here, helping me type . .. always the "little" helper kitty! For those of you who do not know him. .. . there is nothing small about him. .. well maybe his little pea brain. . .but otherwise he's about a 20 pounder. Here is a picture of him relaxing.
Better get back to work doing something productive.
The sheep have decided to spend most of their time up on their hill. As the ground softens up and gets squishy . . .that dreaded spring MUD . .. .. they lay on their hill as if they will not get muddy up there. They have so much wool that they look like puffy clouds that have landed.
Bruiser is sitting here, helping me type . .. always the "little" helper kitty! For those of you who do not know him. .. . there is nothing small about him. .. well maybe his little pea brain. . .but otherwise he's about a 20 pounder. Here is a picture of him relaxing.
Better get back to work doing something productive.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Spring is Coming !
Well, if you look outside, it does not look like spring! Although, I love the snow it is time to start thinking about the garden. Jeff and I have begun to make our plans. We will add more raised beds for the tomatoes. . .. last year the plants were huge and we were not able to harvest many of the tomatoes, because we could not get to them. Jeff will build beds that are narrower and plant one row of plants rather than two. We'll see how that works.
We have made our prelimary list of seeds to order/buy. Way too many choices and we need to delete some from the list. We are trying some new veggies this year . . eggplant (by request), some multi-color hot peppers and some purple carrots and some flowers for cutting. The harvest should be quite pretty!
Headed to the Fort Wayne Home and Garden show later today - should be fun!
We have made our prelimary list of seeds to order/buy. Way too many choices and we need to delete some from the list. We are trying some new veggies this year . . eggplant (by request), some multi-color hot peppers and some purple carrots and some flowers for cutting. The harvest should be quite pretty!
Headed to the Fort Wayne Home and Garden show later today - should be fun!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Retreat Review
OMG! The retreat was AWESOME. Of course, I am exhausted . .. .but we had a blast! So many fun fiber and llama girls! We spun, knit, wove, joked, learned, laughed. . .ate really well. . . What a great time.
We had two guests that are very, very new to fiber, hopefully, we did not scare them off. Fiber artists are a wonderful, diverse, crazy group . . .add on that most of use are lama owners. . .. the fun just goes on and on.
I will update with some pictures as soon as some of the girls email me. I, of course, did not take my camera. Even if I had taken it. .. I was to busy to even think of it.
The dyeing classes were the most popular and I think the Dip Dye had the best results. . just amazing what your ball of yarn turns out like after you re-skein it!
More updates later, now I am off to bed. . . .. .
We had two guests that are very, very new to fiber, hopefully, we did not scare them off. Fiber artists are a wonderful, diverse, crazy group . . .add on that most of use are lama owners. . .. the fun just goes on and on.
I will update with some pictures as soon as some of the girls email me. I, of course, did not take my camera. Even if I had taken it. .. I was to busy to even think of it.
The dyeing classes were the most popular and I think the Dip Dye had the best results. . just amazing what your ball of yarn turns out like after you re-skein it!
More updates later, now I am off to bed. . . .. .
Monday, February 15, 2010
Retreat Update
Since today happens to be President's day, as a banker . .. I have the day off (from banking). I have spent my day getting ready for next weekend's fiber retreat. I have poured candy, written instructions and notes for next weekend's classes, beaded several spinning hooks, made a grocery list and gathered lots of stuff.
I will be posting the spinning hooks for sale on my etsy site after the retreat. The candy that I poured will be for sale at the retreat.
Joy and I will set up for the retreat on Wednesday night since I have a Relay for Life meeting on Thursday and Friday is just too late to get it all done. We'll finish setting up on Friday night, but most will be done on Wednesday.
We have goodie bags to finish putting together and just a bunch of supplies and groceries to haul into Joy's. It will be a fun, relaxing weekend.
Check out our page on the blog home page if you are interested in details.
I will be posting the spinning hooks for sale on my etsy site after the retreat. The candy that I poured will be for sale at the retreat.
Joy and I will set up for the retreat on Wednesday night since I have a Relay for Life meeting on Thursday and Friday is just too late to get it all done. We'll finish setting up on Friday night, but most will be done on Wednesday.
We have goodie bags to finish putting together and just a bunch of supplies and groceries to haul into Joy's. It will be a fun, relaxing weekend.
Check out our page on the blog home page if you are interested in details.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Fiber Retreat
Well, Joy and I are in full swing getting ready for next weekend. Joy is busy cleaning her house and probably the barn. You know the llamas need to be ready for the treat as well. And if you know me, you know I have 16 zillion little things I want to finish for the event. (I'll get to about 10 of them, LOL)
I am busy putting together goodie bags for everyone who attends, gathering the materials for the classes and getting our vendor items around.
We're hoping to draft a couple of craft night friends to help at the retreat.
We've added a couple of new items this year .. . we're having a slide show Saturday evening featuring Joy's trip to Peru last year. Beautiful pictures! The weaving demo that everyone will work on, will be a shawl that we will donate to a llama fund raiser.
We've also opened up Saturday to "Saturday Only" participants. These fiber fanatics can come for just the day on Saturday and attend all the classes and visit with everyone else who is attending.
Our vending area is open to everyone - just stop in and shop! The address is 1390 Co Rd 12. I will put some sort of signage by the mailbox - cuz it just looks like a long lane to nowhere if you've never been there.
As you can imagine, we have lots to finish. It will be worth it - it will be a great weekend relaxing, spinning, knitting, weavings, visiting with other fiber artists, great food, and lots of fun! If you cannot join us this year, put it on your calendar for next year!
I'll post pictures and stories after the retreat!
Please send me an email (llamaluv1@yahoo.com) or post a comment here if you have any questions about the retreat.
I am busy putting together goodie bags for everyone who attends, gathering the materials for the classes and getting our vendor items around.
We're hoping to draft a couple of craft night friends to help at the retreat.
We've added a couple of new items this year .. . we're having a slide show Saturday evening featuring Joy's trip to Peru last year. Beautiful pictures! The weaving demo that everyone will work on, will be a shawl that we will donate to a llama fund raiser.
We've also opened up Saturday to "Saturday Only" participants. These fiber fanatics can come for just the day on Saturday and attend all the classes and visit with everyone else who is attending.
Our vending area is open to everyone - just stop in and shop! The address is 1390 Co Rd 12. I will put some sort of signage by the mailbox - cuz it just looks like a long lane to nowhere if you've never been there.
As you can imagine, we have lots to finish. It will be worth it - it will be a great weekend relaxing, spinning, knitting, weavings, visiting with other fiber artists, great food, and lots of fun! If you cannot join us this year, put it on your calendar for next year!
I'll post pictures and stories after the retreat!
Please send me an email (llamaluv1@yahoo.com) or post a comment here if you have any questions about the retreat.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Big Storm Feb 9, 2010
Well, we are getting a bit of snow - about 5" so far and may be blessed with 3-5 more inches. Funny how everyone is all crazy about the snow. . ..not like we've never had snow. .. .this, of course, from someone who drives a 4-wheel drive truck and thinks "plowing snow" means to plow through it in my truck!
The critters are all snug. The sheep are running and jumping like crazy having fun. The llamas are NOT going to go out and get wet, they prefer to wait for the staff to serve them and the dog had great fun making "puppy snow angels" as we walked to the barn.
Now off to my knitting, time to finish a pair of mittens for a friend at work. I'll post a picture when they are done.
The critters are all snug. The sheep are running and jumping like crazy having fun. The llamas are NOT going to go out and get wet, they prefer to wait for the staff to serve them and the dog had great fun making "puppy snow angels" as we walked to the barn.
Inside, everyone is settled in. Daisey and Kuddles are hunkered down in a laundry basket like two peas in a pod. They are mother and daughter and inseparable.
Now off to my knitting, time to finish a pair of mittens for a friend at work. I'll post a picture when they are done.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Big Storm Prep
Oh my! The news is sure having fun scaring everyone that we're going to have a huge snow storm. I don't worry about us during a storm, but I worry about all the critters. So, I went down to the barn and got everyone ready. I cleaned stalls, filled water, put out straw and tucked everyone in for the night. They will all be snug as a bug in a rug!
The new ewes seem to be doing great - all settled in and happy. I'll share more about them and their big adventure in another post.
Now, all my critters are tucked in, I have my knitting ready and I'm ready to get snowed in!
The new ewes seem to be doing great - all settled in and happy. I'll share more about them and their big adventure in another post.
Now, all my critters are tucked in, I have my knitting ready and I'm ready to get snowed in!
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