Friday, May 7, 2010

Mixed news from the Farm

Sad news from the farm is that our second pregnant sheep Bethany and her children did not make it through the pregnancy despite the much appreciated help from Dr. French, friends and neighbors all looking after her. And while we thought perhaps about waiting to add to the farm, we have decided to help keep Shadow, otherwise known as Trouble, out of trouble and add a momma sheep and her new ram, which happens to be the same age as Trouble. Hopefully this will allow his mother some much needed “me” time while the kids are playing.

The new additions should be making their way to the farm soon and I’ll be sure to post pictures from the Adventure.

Other news includes the addition of some smaller animals – Turkeys and ducks. No, not the wild kind. We decided to add to our eclectic band of animals with some two footed creatures to help “mow” our grass and eat our bugs. They have just made their grand appearance on the lawn and we expect they will be as entertaining as the other animals.

Finally, show season is upon us. I will be making the rounds to the local and not-so-local craft shows throughout Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. I’ll keep you updated on my show schedule with a quick plug for this weekend’s show (May 7-8) at Salomon Farms in Fort Wayne, Ind.

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