Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Art Festival July 2011

We spent too much time getting ready for an Art Festival - but it turned out okay.  It was in Fremont, IN at the Old Mill Shoppes on rd 750. 

Woven using T-Shirt factory ends

Rag Rug Purse

Felted, fun, fuzzy purse

It was a beautiful weekend - I "had" to weave the entire time. . .here are some pictures of some items that I made for the festival.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Weaving

With a summer art festival coming up quickly - July 30 - I am busy weaving some fun, bright cotton products.  I don't have finished photos yet - all are waiting for the sewing process.  Here are some pictures of the projects in progress.

 A table runner on the rigid heddle loom - this one striped, a second one done in a plaid pattern.
An experiment - all went well, except for a mistake in my weaving :)

Ohio State Entry - Huck Lace Scarf

!00% Cotton Table runner and placemat set for the festival
The Art Festival is in Fremont, IN at the Old Mill Shoppesjust down the road from Clear Lake - should be fun.

Here is my new weaving helper:

Butthead is "helping" me warp the 42" loom in the fiber room.

Weaving is hard work!  Time for a nap!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

On the Loom. . .. .

After a long day of house cleaning yesterday ... I decided to sit down at the rigid heddle loom and weave off the item that has been on in it for longer than I care to determine!  It started as a demo project at McFarland's Llama Farm Fall Festival . .. .a couple years ago. . it was a cotton warp with a handspun llama weft. .. something easy.  It was to be fabric for purses. .. . well.. . needless to say, since it's been on the loom for so long, it held very little interest for me.

So, I decided that rather than waste the warp. .. I would cut some warp threads from one side, make the piece a bit narrower, change to weavng with navy cotton rather than llama . . .and make it a table runner. .. I started weaving late last night . .and had 15" done by the time I went to bed.  (That's probably longer than the llama part that I did originally). 

Here is a picture of the table runner in progress:

I will post finished pictures as soon as it is off the loom and the fringe is twisted.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Stalking MY Chickens. . ..

Really, truly . .. . .my chickens are thinking I am crazy!  I sold all of our eggs, right down to the ones in my basket that I collected yesterday. . .. then I decided to make a pan of brownies for the holiday weekend festivities. . ... .BROWINES TAKE EGGS. .. . Duh! . . .. So, I did manage to get three eggs - but I had to stalk the chickens all morning to get them. .. two eggs for brownies. . yea!

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July Holiday Weekend!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Holiday Weekend on the Farm

It's time to get the farm ready for the Holiday weekend.  The farm gets lots of visitors during a holiday weekend - usually during nice weather.  Typically, it's friends and family coming to visit.

This July 4th weekend is to be very hot - so I'll spend tomorrow and part of Friday making sure everyone is ready for the vistors and heat.

Tonight is "bunny cage maintenance" night - all the bunnies will come out of their cages, their cages will be scrubbed and put back together.  Then the bunny barn area of the barn will have to be cleaned - similar to cleaning a llama stall.  The bunnies will be extremely happy when it is done.

Tomorrow will be a bucket washing, topping off all the various food containers and a little bit of barn clean up.  Then over to mom's to finish my mowing and take the weed eater in to be fixed.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


For those of you who know me. .. . .this title seems a little funny . . . you're thinking. .. "Of course, you're weaving" . .. .well actually I seemed to have taken many months off from weaving - not really sure why . . .then I was poking around on and ran across a store with the most beautiful woven scarves - talk about inspiration. ... these are beautiful!  Then to find out they are woven using 16/2 bamboo yarn. .. . for those of you that are thinking "16/2" .. what the heck . .. this refers to the size of thread. . I say "thread" because this is about the size of heavy sewing thread. .. .there are 60 ends in every inch. . .. this is very fine weaving. 

If you would like to see the scarves that popped me back into weaving mode. .. go to or . ... Lynn's weaving is inspiring!

As for my current weaving . . .I finished warping some chenille scarves and just need to tie the fringe and wet finish them. .. .here is a picture on the loom. . ..these are woven at just 12 epi and go quickly.  

The colors are a bit washed out in the picture, it is a chocolate brown, a chestnut brown and an olive green with a nice sheen. 

Once I have them wet finished, I will post a better picture.

So, what's next on the loom .. . .. well. . .many, many projects are fighting to be next. .. more chenille scarves? A chenille/llama scarf?  A chenille/novelty yarn window pane scarf?  Or, a cotton scarf inspired by Loom on the Lake. .. .   Maybe some dishtowels - lord knows I have enough cotton to make one for everyone I know! 

Debbie and I did go through my coned cotton stash and pick out the beautiful "jewel tones" shown below. .. that might be next . .....check back to see. . ...

Happy Weaving!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Focus on Fiber - Sauder Village

We will be participating in the Focus on Fiber day at Sauder Village in Archbold on Saturday, June 25th.  The focus on fiber brings in many, many fiber artists who will be demonstrating all day - knitting, spinning, weaving, crocheting, natural fiber dyeing, kumihimo braiding . .. and as an added attaction - there will be vendors this year. 

Of course, the village is open and all the buildings are fun to visit.  Bring your family and come visit Sauder Village during the focus on fiber.  The event is from 10am - 5pm.

See you at Sauder!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Little Chicken Littles!

I've always called our chickens by the nickname "Chicken Little" . .. .so when we got some new chicks. . .. they needed a name. . so until they grow up . . .or maybe forever, their nickname is "little chicken littles".  The new chicks started out in the chicken coop in a big water tub . . just like you see at the farm store.    that lasted quite a while. .. when it was time for them to move to a bigger space. .. my original plan did not work. . so I moved them to the "old chicken coop"  aka  "bunny barn"  aka my soon to be fiber dyeing shed. .. . anyway. . .this past week they began coming out into a little pasture to start exploring the great outdoors. 

It did not take long for them to figure out how to jump the fence and wander around the back yard.  So, now their gate is open and they are beginning to mingle with the big "chicken littles". .. this should introduce them and then plan will be for the little chicken littles to migrate to the big chicken littles chicken coop and all live together. .. . this will make chores easier. .  .nature will take it's course and they will slowly move to the big coop!

The new chicks are Barred Rocks (black w/white speckles) and a couple aracanas - the "easter egg" chickens - they lay eggs with green, pink or blue shells. .. the colored eggs are really pretty!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Barn Cleaning Vacation!

So, to most, a barn cleaning vacation sounds like a crazy thing to do!  However, I have been on vacation most of this past week and barn cleaning was one huge task that I accomplished.  Just like house cleaning - barn cleaning has to be done. .. maintenance and spring and fall cleaning. .. .it can be very satisfying work!  Here is a picture of the boys, and the chickens, enjoying the clean barn. . .

Who let the chicken in the llama barn?

More chickens in the llama barn
My barn cleaning was made a bit easier by what most would think is "just a tractor" . .to me it's a great big pooper scooper!

I'll post more fun "vacation" pics this week . . .stay tuned. . .. . Have a great week!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Relaxing, Productive weekend

Seems like a funny title . . .relaxing AND productive. . .. .something just seems to not fit. . but . . my weekend was quite relaxing and very productive.  I started wayyyy too early on Saturday morning - spun some of the gray llama/angora blend - then headed outside to clean part of the llama barn.  The chickens have made a complete disaster.  It was hard work, but I got it done.  Got the tractor stuck atleast three times!

Hay was delivered to make the llamas happy!  Then I headed off to the mill to pick up my processed wool and then to the lake to check on the cottage.  All was well at the cottage.  Then home for a night of spinning and nascar. ..well, I could have done w/o the nascar - but it was on the tv.

Then Sunday, I dyed a bunch of alpaca yarn, helped Jeff split wood and read a book.  Great book - The Choice by Nicholas Sparks - will have to look for some more books by this author.

Here are some yarn pics from my productive day . . the rest of the yarn is still baking. :)

Bright, solids :)

Ready to Rinse

Dry, ready for sale

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I crocheted!

This is quite a statement for a confirmed knitting addict.  Anyone who knows me, knows I ALWAYS have my knitting. .. well since I really like the crochet flowers. .. thought I would try knitting these chicks from a pattern from Rebecca at S Type Creative.  But you have to crochet the comb, tail and beak. . .I did it! ! !

Monday, May 2, 2011

Favorite Fuzzy Llama!

Montgomery is the "ham" of our farm.  Always looking like the innocent boy!  Likes to think he runs the entire farm . .. well. .. I guess he kind of does. . .he is our Logo and has been our Christmas Card picture many times. . .. he is "The picture of Winding  Creek" . .. .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gabby Popped!

I've been waiting for you!
When I got home from work, I looked out at the sheep barn and Gabby was in the stall on the left.  I didn't think much of it and didn't really see any extra legs - so I did not think she had lambed.  Well, then I looked back and she was paying close attention to something at her side. . .so I changed my clothes and headed down . ...and found twins - just a few hours old.

We have not picked them up yet - we will check them out and weigh them tomorrow.  As long as everyone seems healthy, I like to let them bond for the first 24 hours without interruption.

Our sheep herd is complete - from 6 to 10 in less than two weeks - no more :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What hay bucket?

The llama girls are just a bit mischevious. . ... when I went in the barn, my new hay hauler bucket was way over by the girls stall - certainly not where Jeff left it.  Then the funniest thing.  .. . .. .. .. .Dorrie still says she knows NOTHING about a hay bucket!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

The ewe lambs are doing very well, along with their momma, Elizabeth.  We seem to have gotten Elizabeth through her plugged teat problem and the lambs are using both sides to nurse - what a relief - for us AND Elizabeth.

The little ewe lambs are scampering around the pasture and climbing on eveything - including climbing right in the hay bucket to eat.  Yes, they are eating hay at one week old - not the main staple of their diet - but a good sign.

What?  I like to be comfy when I eat!

We know there is grain in this bag!
Gabby is ready to have her lamb, we are hoping for just one from her.  She is not stressed and is still eating well, so we are not concerned.  Hopefully, sometime this week she will lamb.

Gabby Girl

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Crochet Flowers

I've decided that I should learn to crochet so I can make flower embellishments for my knitting and felting projects.  My friends, Debbie, Cora and Lorie are going to teach me.  Being the "patient" person I am . . I should wait until they start teaching me. . .but a few years ago Debbie and Cora actually did teach me some crochet while we enjoyed the sunny beach of Marco Island.

So, I sat down tonight with a crochet hook, some yarn and a pattern from the internet. .. .and here is what I made . . not perfect, but a GOOD start!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

TWINS ! ! ! !!

Saturday, April 16 . ..what a dreary day, rain, wind and clouds. .. ..but, the icky weather brought a ray of sunshine to our farm . .. .Elizabeth finally popped!  What we did not expect. ..  .twins!  Cute little girls!  Yes! Two girls :)  Now we'll wait for Gabby to show us what she has "baking".

Here are some pictures of Elizabeth with her girls.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chick Day!

Some things just go with Spring . .. like little chicks. ... . we got a shipment of Barred Rocks and Aracunas.  They are cute as can be.  They are settled in the chicken coop in a big water tank so they are protected from the big girls and the barn cats.  Boy do they have good lungs - you could hear them chirping all the way up at the house as we were getting their light set up.  When they are cold, they are cranky! 

Here are some pictures of the big girls and the little chicks.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

BSSG Rug Hooking

What a fun day!  I attended a Black Swamp Spinners Guild event today.  We learned how to Rug Hook from Jan Ryan - from Ryan's Edgy Art - awesome class.  We each got a kit that included our pattern on a piece of linen burlap, an embroidery hoop, a rug hooking hook and handdyed, hand spun yarns in about 5 varieties - all were handspun  and dyed by Jan.  My kit had several shades of pink/plum, then a cable plyed yarn - that had one ply varigated and one green and then a piece of handdyed wool fabric. 

Jan gave us some history, then showed us how to use the hook, gave some pointers and off we went hooking! 

I tried to learn this by myself a few years ago - I wanted to use my handspun yarn - but everyone I asked and all my research showed using just the wool fabric - but in Jan's class we used handspun yarn - just what I was looking for.  I was even able to incorporate some of my yarn in the center of a flower - my summer confetti yarn, which is Montgomery's fleece with orange and pink threads and angelina.  It looks cool.

I will post some pictures later in the week.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fiber Dyeing Extravaganza Feb 2011

Yet another fun Fiber Dyeing Extravaganza done!  We held a dye day for the Bowling Green Spinning Guild on Feb. 19 and everyone had a great time.  What a great group . .. . .I came home with all my tools and supplies clean and neatly packed with  the help of everyone in the class.  The spinning guild is a great group and I hope to do more with them. 

In April I am going to go to a Rug Hooking class taught by Jan Ryan and then in May, I am planning to go to a spinning workshop at Deb Yeagle's - taught by Patsy Z. 

I'll post pics when I get them - Susan took lots of pics since I was busy. .. .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rug Weaving Class

Diane and I went to a rug weaving class yesterday in Battle Creek, MI.  The instructor is my friend Kathy Berlincourt - from the Warped Weaver Studio.  This was our second adventure weaving with Kathy.  Last year Diane and I wove some selvedge rugs which came out wonderfully.  This year we wove with rags.  Diane wove a tradition hit and miss rag rug.  The warp was multicolored and the look really changed based on what color weft she used.  I tackled a log cabin weave.  With the log cabin weave, you can alternate weft passes and make it appear as if you have blocks or checkerboard looking areas.  It was quite fun and sorta messes with your balance when you look too closely.  Here are a couple picture of my rug:

This close up really shows the detail.  It is actually woven in a plain weave but the placement of color in the warp make all the difference.  There is a solid stripe down each side.
I am putting the weaving aside for a few days - I need to get some yarn packaged and priced and I need to get my samples braided and my class notes ready to teach a Kumihimo braiding class on Tuesday.

Have a great week!

Monday, January 31, 2011

WEAVING ! ! !!

OMG ! ! !  Now that I have this "new to me" rug loom warped and I started weaving a set of placemats and a table runner. .. .OMG! how I have missed weaving!  Typically, I weave very fine thread items on my 22" harrisville.  The Harrisville loom is half warped with some chenille scarves.  Although, I don't think I will become a full time rug weaver.  . . .the instant gratification is awesome!  The rag strips weave up very quickly.  Below is about 5 minutes worth of weaving!

The table runner and placemats will be about 16" wide finished.  Have not decided the length of the table runner yet.  I would anticipate, however, being completely done weaving the entire set by the end of the evening Wednesday.  I'd weave it all today, except I need to clean the barn before our "big" storm and we're having company for dinner.

From one happy, happy weaver .. . .have a great day!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Winding Creek Fiber Farm: Fiber Farm To do list . .. .

Winding Creek Fiber Farm: Fiber Farm To do list . .. .: "I really should feel fortunate that my 'to do' list involves so many relaxing fun items. .. spinning, weaving, knitting, tending animals. . ..."

Fiber Farm To do list . .. .

I really should feel fortunate that my "to do" list involves so many relaxing fun items. .. spinning, weaving, knitting, tending animals. . .. all very relaxing things. .. . .until I try to do too many at one time.  .. as I am known for doing.

I have finally, finally finished the "Buster Brown" yarn.  It took me 2  1/2 weekends and lots of hours. .. .one ply was very tedious. .. .but  I AM DONE! !  ! and it is BEAUTIFUL!  It has been washed and is drying, it will be weighted, counted, priced and labeled. . .. and then out for sale.  Roxy gets first dibs . . .as she has a shawl already started in this yarn . . and then the rest will be sold either via email, etsy, artfire or the vendor booth.

As you can see, Bruiser was so stressed by this project:

Last week, I had on my to do list . . .finishing warping the rug loom . .. that is where I am headed next. .. .here is a picture of the progress.

I hope where ever you are and whatever you are doing, you are having a wonderful weekend.  I've extended my weekend by a day . . so still have two days left after today. . . hopefully, posting a finished table runner by the end of Monday.

Happy Weaving!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fibery Weekend

It has been a very, very cold weekend here in NW Ohio, so I spent most of my time inside trying to finish some projects ..  .of course . .. thought I could do more, but here is what I finished.  Lots, and lots of Buster Brown Autumn Leaves yarn and I embelished 4 hats.

Now for some hats . .. .

It's been a long weekend but I am happy to have so much done.  This week I should finish the rest of Buster and the last hat.  I'll post pics when I am done with the last hat - it is a natural Brown Llama with a blue band embellished with Daiseys.

Happy Spinning, Weaving and Knitting this week. .. talk to you soon!