Thursday, June 23, 2011


For those of you who know me. .. . .this title seems a little funny . . . you're thinking. .. "Of course, you're weaving" . .. .well actually I seemed to have taken many months off from weaving - not really sure why . . .then I was poking around on and ran across a store with the most beautiful woven scarves - talk about inspiration. ... these are beautiful!  Then to find out they are woven using 16/2 bamboo yarn. .. . for those of you that are thinking "16/2" .. what the heck . .. this refers to the size of thread. . I say "thread" because this is about the size of heavy sewing thread. .. .there are 60 ends in every inch. . .. this is very fine weaving. 

If you would like to see the scarves that popped me back into weaving mode. .. go to or . ... Lynn's weaving is inspiring!

As for my current weaving . . .I finished warping some chenille scarves and just need to tie the fringe and wet finish them. .. .here is a picture on the loom. . ..these are woven at just 12 epi and go quickly.  

The colors are a bit washed out in the picture, it is a chocolate brown, a chestnut brown and an olive green with a nice sheen. 

Once I have them wet finished, I will post a better picture.

So, what's next on the loom .. . .. well. . .many, many projects are fighting to be next. .. more chenille scarves? A chenille/llama scarf?  A chenille/novelty yarn window pane scarf?  Or, a cotton scarf inspired by Loom on the Lake. .. .   Maybe some dishtowels - lord knows I have enough cotton to make one for everyone I know! 

Debbie and I did go through my coned cotton stash and pick out the beautiful "jewel tones" shown below. .. that might be next . .....check back to see. . ...

Happy Weaving!

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