After a long day of house cleaning yesterday ... I decided to sit down at the rigid heddle loom and weave off the item that has been on in it for longer than I care to determine! It started as a demo project at McFarland's Llama Farm Fall Festival . .. .a couple years ago. . it was a cotton warp with a handspun llama weft. .. something easy. It was to be fabric for purses. .. . well.. . needless to say, since it's been on the loom for so long, it held very little interest for me.
So, I decided that rather than waste the warp. .. I would cut some warp threads from one side, make the piece a bit narrower, change to weavng with navy cotton rather than llama . . .and make it a table runner. .. I started weaving late last night . .and had 15" done by the time I went to bed. (That's probably longer than the llama part that I did originally).
Here is a picture of the table runner in progress:
I will post finished pictures as soon as it is off the loom and the fringe is twisted.