Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Weaving

With a summer art festival coming up quickly - July 30 - I am busy weaving some fun, bright cotton products.  I don't have finished photos yet - all are waiting for the sewing process.  Here are some pictures of the projects in progress.

 A table runner on the rigid heddle loom - this one striped, a second one done in a plaid pattern.
An experiment - all went well, except for a mistake in my weaving :)

Ohio State Entry - Huck Lace Scarf

!00% Cotton Table runner and placemat set for the festival
The Art Festival is in Fremont, IN at the Old Mill Shoppesjust down the road from Clear Lake - should be fun.

Here is my new weaving helper:

Butthead is "helping" me warp the 42" loom in the fiber room.

Weaving is hard work!  Time for a nap!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

On the Loom. . .. .

After a long day of house cleaning yesterday ... I decided to sit down at the rigid heddle loom and weave off the item that has been on in it for longer than I care to determine!  It started as a demo project at McFarland's Llama Farm Fall Festival . .. .a couple years ago. . it was a cotton warp with a handspun llama weft. .. something easy.  It was to be fabric for purses. .. . well.. . needless to say, since it's been on the loom for so long, it held very little interest for me.

So, I decided that rather than waste the warp. .. I would cut some warp threads from one side, make the piece a bit narrower, change to weavng with navy cotton rather than llama . . .and make it a table runner. .. I started weaving late last night . .and had 15" done by the time I went to bed.  (That's probably longer than the llama part that I did originally). 

Here is a picture of the table runner in progress:

I will post finished pictures as soon as it is off the loom and the fringe is twisted.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Stalking MY Chickens. . ..

Really, truly . .. . .my chickens are thinking I am crazy!  I sold all of our eggs, right down to the ones in my basket that I collected yesterday. . .. then I decided to make a pan of brownies for the holiday weekend festivities. . ... .BROWINES TAKE EGGS. .. . Duh! . . .. So, I did manage to get three eggs - but I had to stalk the chickens all morning to get them. .. two eggs for brownies. . yea!

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July Holiday Weekend!