Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gabby Popped!

I've been waiting for you!
When I got home from work, I looked out at the sheep barn and Gabby was in the stall on the left.  I didn't think much of it and didn't really see any extra legs - so I did not think she had lambed.  Well, then I looked back and she was paying close attention to something at her side. . .so I changed my clothes and headed down . ...and found twins - just a few hours old.

We have not picked them up yet - we will check them out and weigh them tomorrow.  As long as everyone seems healthy, I like to let them bond for the first 24 hours without interruption.

Our sheep herd is complete - from 6 to 10 in less than two weeks - no more :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What hay bucket?

The llama girls are just a bit mischevious. . ... when I went in the barn, my new hay hauler bucket was way over by the girls stall - certainly not where Jeff left it.  Then the funniest thing.  .. . .. .. .. .Dorrie still says she knows NOTHING about a hay bucket!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

The ewe lambs are doing very well, along with their momma, Elizabeth.  We seem to have gotten Elizabeth through her plugged teat problem and the lambs are using both sides to nurse - what a relief - for us AND Elizabeth.

The little ewe lambs are scampering around the pasture and climbing on eveything - including climbing right in the hay bucket to eat.  Yes, they are eating hay at one week old - not the main staple of their diet - but a good sign.

What?  I like to be comfy when I eat!

We know there is grain in this bag!
Gabby is ready to have her lamb, we are hoping for just one from her.  She is not stressed and is still eating well, so we are not concerned.  Hopefully, sometime this week she will lamb.

Gabby Girl

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Crochet Flowers

I've decided that I should learn to crochet so I can make flower embellishments for my knitting and felting projects.  My friends, Debbie, Cora and Lorie are going to teach me.  Being the "patient" person I am . . I should wait until they start teaching me. . .but a few years ago Debbie and Cora actually did teach me some crochet while we enjoyed the sunny beach of Marco Island.

So, I sat down tonight with a crochet hook, some yarn and a pattern from the internet. .. .and here is what I made . . not perfect, but a GOOD start!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

TWINS ! ! ! !!

Saturday, April 16 . ..what a dreary day, rain, wind and clouds. .. ..but, the icky weather brought a ray of sunshine to our farm . .. .Elizabeth finally popped!  What we did not expect. ..  .twins!  Cute little girls!  Yes! Two girls :)  Now we'll wait for Gabby to show us what she has "baking".

Here are some pictures of Elizabeth with her girls.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chick Day!

Some things just go with Spring . .. like little chicks. ... . we got a shipment of Barred Rocks and Aracunas.  They are cute as can be.  They are settled in the chicken coop in a big water tank so they are protected from the big girls and the barn cats.  Boy do they have good lungs - you could hear them chirping all the way up at the house as we were getting their light set up.  When they are cold, they are cranky! 

Here are some pictures of the big girls and the little chicks.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

BSSG Rug Hooking

What a fun day!  I attended a Black Swamp Spinners Guild event today.  We learned how to Rug Hook from Jan Ryan - from Ryan's Edgy Art - awesome class.  We each got a kit that included our pattern on a piece of linen burlap, an embroidery hoop, a rug hooking hook and handdyed, hand spun yarns in about 5 varieties - all were handspun  and dyed by Jan.  My kit had several shades of pink/plum, then a cable plyed yarn - that had one ply varigated and one green and then a piece of handdyed wool fabric. 

Jan gave us some history, then showed us how to use the hook, gave some pointers and off we went hooking! 

I tried to learn this by myself a few years ago - I wanted to use my handspun yarn - but everyone I asked and all my research showed using just the wool fabric - but in Jan's class we used handspun yarn - just what I was looking for.  I was even able to incorporate some of my yarn in the center of a flower - my summer confetti yarn, which is Montgomery's fleece with orange and pink threads and angelina.  It looks cool.

I will post some pictures later in the week.