Monday, November 12, 2012

Order Season!

As he holidays approach - there are lots of orders to fill.  Here are a couple pictures of orders I just finished, the hat was a Joy/Tina combo!

Hard to tell, but this is a matching hat and scarf set.  The black flower on black is hard to see.

Flower Detail

A ruffled hat for someone who purchased the matching mittens and scarf at McFarlands Open Barn

More flower detail

A nice, warm, snug beret - this one is for sale if anyone likes it.

So, what else has been going on around the farm?  We've been cleaning up for winter, hauling dirt around the back yard and waiting impatiently for the little chicks to start laying eggs.

Four of the "little girl" llamas were out for a frolic last Sunday . . . .. pushed through a week place in the fence.  I, of course, was not home. ....the young boy who hunts in the woods saw them and got help and got a hold of Jeff . .. .oh, Jeff was not a happy boy when I got home. . .just as he has told me since the girls arrived. .. . "Those girls are trouble" . .. . .yes they are . . .and they are lots of fun! ! ! !

Jeff had some dental surgery today, so it will be a quiet vacation week for me.  Getting things done here and there while helping Jeff get through the recovery.  He is doing quite well, sleeping peacefully with the cat, at the moment.  Daisy has appointed herself "medicine kitty" for this incident.  She will nurse him through.

I have a couple more pairs of fingerless mitts and a pair of gloves to finish to complete the current orders.  Also, need to get things around for the Thanksgiving sale at The Old Mill Shoppes just outside Fremont.

Better get back to some knitting or weaving or something productive!

Happy Weaving!

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