Monday, October 8, 2012

Weaving Lesson

The studio is coming along, although it has a long way to go. . .we had a weaving session on Saturday.  Nancy learned to weave with the 24" Rigid Heddle and I warped the new 12" knitters loom.  Nancy made a great cotton table runner and is hooked on weaving.  Pat, Roxy and Mom were here for the day with Nancy and I.  Mom and Roxy spent time in the living room knitting while we were weaving in the basement.

I warped the 12" knitters loom with Llama and novelty yarn.  We'll see how it goes.  The loom seems a bit small and cramped to use. . .but I'll weave a few items before I decide if it gets to stay.  It is a great size for demos and traveling.

Not only do we have a Bank Holiday this week, I have the entire week off to work around home and make products.  I made a list. .. . if you know me, you know that in reality the list cannot be done in a week. .so it goes.  I decided to break it down into manageable parts. . .. ..Blackie is helping . . .she's a bit overwhelmed! Her plan is to sleep on the list.

Started off today . .on the right track . .first up . .. do chores. .. .then I was supposed to come back in the house and clean up the kitchen .. ..but that did not happen .. .but the rafters in the barn are cleaned out and the cobwebs are gone . .. . much for following a list. .. .I'm not so good at sticking to the rules. . .I prefer a bit of free form!  LOL!

Off to my next task. . ..