Sunday, May 20, 2012

Farm Clean Up Days 2012

What a fun thing to do. . .. Farm Clean up days . . .may not sound like fun to you, but think of how you feel when you get Spring cleaning done in the house - the feeling of accomplishment, the enjoyment of everything neat and tidy. .. just for a bit. . . .well . .. some things never change. .. . My Dad could never understand how the barn could always be neat and tidy with everything in it's place and my room . . well let's say he preferred to keep the door shut - so he did not have to think about it. .. .He quickly learned, I have my priorities. . . well, I still think that way.  Thank goodness Jeff does dishes and laundry or we'd be in big trouble.

So, what was on the agenda for Farm clean up days . . .center of barn, bunnies, chickens, girls stall, girls pasture, clean out truck, wash truck, weed landscaping, trim landscaping, put in mulch. .. .and a few other things. . .. .did I get them all done? I still have one day . . ..something is not gonna get done. . .here is what I've done.

Cleaned the barn, bunnies, chickens, pasture and girls stall.  Cleaned out my truck and washed it (by hand) . .. Cleared brush, with Jeff, behind the sheep barn. . . and best of all. . .my favorite. .. Jeff finally put up the curtain rod for the curtains that Debbie made for me. .. .

Here are some farm pictures. .. .

Llavendar, Llizzie, Purple, Annie, Dorrie, Montgomery

Elizabeth, Lily and Peter

Okay, the computer is really slow. .. . more pictures later!